All tagged Puerto Rico

Though he lived and worked as an outspoken, openly gay, Cuban-born man, conceptual artist Félix González-Torres never wanted any singular aspect of his life to box him in or define his craft. He didn’t care for being labeled a “gay artist” or “Latino artist,” despite the fact that much of his work incorporated themes and imagery from these identities. Through his art, González-Torres addressed—albeit abstractly—a variety of urgent political and social issues, particularly when it came to matters regarding discriminatory public policies, censorship of LGBTQ+ artists, and perhaps most importantly, the global impact of the AIDS epidemic.

When talking about iconic transgender women in contemporary history, one of the most well known in America is Holly Woodlawn. Her name was in popular songs. She starred in queer cult classics. For a time she was even paid to go to parties. She was an openly transgender woman and the first many Americans knew of. With such an important place in so many people’s memories, the Puerto Rican actress was well-loved by famous and ordinary alike.