Making Queer History has a vague title because it has a rather vague purpose. We are not alone in our aim to tell the queer community’s history. What defines us is our focus not only on the past, but toward the future.
The Bath House
A woodcut piece done by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1496 depicting men at a bath house.
The Lamentation, from The Passion
An etching done by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1507. This piece is a part of a series from The Passion.
Betrayal of Christ, from The Passion
An etching done by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1508. This piece is a part of a series from The Passion.
The Man of Sorrows, from The Passion
An etching done by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1509. This piece is a part of a series from The Passion.
Christ before Pilate, from "The Passion"
An etching done by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1512. This piece is a part of a series from The Passion.
Flagellation of Christ, from The Passion
An etching done by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1512. This piece is a part of a series from The Passion.
Christ before Caiaphas, from The Passion
An etching done by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1512. This piece is a part of a series from The Passion.
Ecce Homo, from The Passion
An etching done by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1512. This piece is a part of a series from The Passion.
The Entombment, from The Passion
An etching done by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1512. This piece is a part of a series from The Passion.
The Resurrection, from The Passion
An etching done by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1512. This piece is a part of a series from The Passion.
Christ Presented to the People (Ecce Homo)
An oil painting by Italian artist Giovanni Antonio Bazzi, also known as Il Sodoma. ca. 1540–49
Bust of a Man with Long Beard
A chalk drawing by Italian artist Giovanni Antonio Bazzi, also known as Il Sodoma. ca. 1540–49
An oil painting by Italian artist Giovanni Antonio Bazzi, also known as Il Sodoma. 1517.
Sheet of Studies for "The Horse Fair"
Rosa Bonheur created sheet studies for what is perhaps her most famous painting: The Horse Fair. This particular drawing was done in black chalk and graphite.
Rosa Bonheur was widely considered to be the most famous female painter of the 19th century. She was openly a lesbian and lived with her partner for over 40 years. She continued dating after her partner passed.
Study for "The Horse Fair"
Rosa Bonheur created sheet studies for what is perhaps her most famous painting: The Horse Fair. This particular drawing was done in black chalk, gray wash, and white chalk or paint.
Rosa Bonheur was widely considered to be the most famous female painter of the 19th century. She was openly a lesbian and lived with her partner for over 40 years. She continued dating after her partner passed.
The Horse Fair
The Horse Fair is by far Bonheur’s most well-known painting. It shows the horse market held in Paris on Boulevard de l’Hôpital, near the asylum of Salpêtrière. The asylum can be seen on the left in the distance. She dressed in masculine clothing to discourage attention and sketched the scene for over a year. This oil painting highlights her lustrous career as an animal painter.
Rosa Bonheur was widely considered to be the most famous female painter of the 19th century. She was openly a lesbian and lived with her partner for over 40 years. She continued dating after her partner passed.
Landscape with Cattle
Rosa Bonheur is known best as an animal painter, but she also did a number of animal drawings. Often these were to plan for future paintings. This particular drawing was done in graphite on blue paper faded to gray.
Rosa Bonheur was widely considered to be the most famous female painter of the 19th century. She was openly a lesbian and lived with her partner for over 40 years. She continued dating after her partner passed.
Weaning the Calves
Weaning the Calves is another of Rosa Bonheur’s animal paintings. This piece is probably based on one of the pasturelands where Bonheur visited in 1850. She brought back many studies from her trip that she used throughout her carrier. This oil painting was finished in 1879, and likely used some of those studies as references.
Rosa Bonheur was widely considered to be the most famous female painter of the 19th century. She was openly a lesbian and lived with her partner for over 40 years. She continued dating after her partner passed.
A Limier Briquet Hound
While Rosa Bonheur is known best as an animal painter, much of her work specifically depicted hunting dogs and pets. This picture may have been used as a preparatory study for Bonheur's painting Gathering for the Hunt. This oil painting, done around 1856, shows a bloodhound that belonged to Vicomte d’Armaille.
Rosa Bonheur was widely considered to be the most famous female painter of the 19th century. She was openly a lesbian and lived with her partner for over 40 years. She continued dating after her partner passed.
"In the Wash-house" by Anna Elizabeth Klumpke
Oil on canvas. Completed 1888.
Portrait of Elizabeth Cady Stanton by Anna Elizabeth Klumpke
Oil on canvas. Completed 1889.
"A Moment's Rest" by Anna Elizabeth Klumpke
Pastel on paper. Completed 1891.
"Among the Lilies" by Anna Elizabeth Klumpke
Oil on canvas. Completed 1909.
Portrait of Rosa Bonheur by Anna Elizabeth Klumpke
Oil on canvas. Completed 1898.
"Seated Woman with a Red Kerchief" Anna Elizabeth Klumpke
Oil on canvas. Completed 1886.
Self Portrait by Agnes Goodsir
oil on canvas. c 1910
Girl on Couch by Agnes Goodsir
oil on canvas. c 1915
Girl with Cigarette by Agnes Goodsir
oil on canvas. 1925
The Chinese Skirt by Agnes Goodsir
oil on canvas. 1933
Sappho and Erinna in a Garden at Mytilene by Simeon Solomon
watercolor on paper. 1864.
In the Temple of Venus by Simeon Solomon
watercolor on paper. 1863.
The Marriage Ceremony by Simeon Solomon
wood engraving on paper.
A Jewish marriage ceremony in England, 1861. Created for the magazine article "Jews in England," Once a Week magazine, volume 7, page 192.
Lighting the Lamps by Simeon Solomon
wood engraving on paper.
Lighting the lamps on the eve of Sabbath, in a household in England, 1861. Created for the magazine article "Jews in England," Once a Week magazine, volume 7, page 193.
The Moon and Sleep by Simeon Solomon
oil on canvas. 1894.
Love Dreaming by the Sea by Simeon Solomon
oil on canvas. 1871.
A Youth Relating Tales to Ladies by Simeon Solomon
oil on canvas. 1870.
Vaslav Nijinsky in Le Pavillon de l'Armide
Vaslav Nijinsky in Le Talisman
Vaslav Nijinsky in Carnival Paris
Vaslav Nijinsky in Le Spectre
Vaslav Nijinsky in Le Dieu Bleu
Vaslav Nijinsky in Scheherazade
Self Portrait by Amrita Sher-Gil
oil on canvas. 1930.
Portrait of young man by Amrita Sher-Gil
oil on canvas. 1930.
Untitled Self Portrait by Amrita Sher-Gil
oil on canvas. 1931.
Sleep by Amrita Sher-Gil
Klara Szepessy by Amrita Sher-Gil
oil on canvas. 1932.
The Little Girl in Blue by Amrita Sher-Gil
oil on canvas. 1934.
Group on Three Girls by Amrita Sher-Gil
oil on canvas. 1935.
Village Scene by Amrita Sher-Gil
Hill Women by Amrita Sher-Gil
Stamp created from Amrita Sher-Gil’s painting in 1978.
Bride's Toilet by Amrita Sher-Gil
oil on canvas. 1937.
Scenery from Capri by Lili Elbe
c. 1920
The Poplars Along Hobro Fiord by Lili Elbe
A Bridge Over the Loire River by Lili Elbe
Road Crucifix on the Bridge Over the River Loire in Beaugency, France by Lili Elbe
c. 1924
Wedding party in the mountains of Upper Reka
Photograph by Bajazid Doda . 1907.
Man smoking, in the upper Reka valley near Dibra
Photograph by Bajazid Doda . 1907.
Young Albanian in the upper Reka valley near Dibra
Photograph by Bajazid Doda . 1907.
In the centre: two men from Shtirovica in black trousers (tirq); on the right: two Slavic-speaking Muslims from Lower Reka, Macedonia
Photograph by Bajazid Doda . 1907.
Men of Shtrirovica conversing on a hillside.
Photograph by Bajazid Doda . 1907.
Shepherd in a sheepskin cloak with some men from Shtirovica
Photograph by Bajazid Doda . 1907.
Sarah Bernhardt by Louise Abbéma
Portrait de Jeanne Samary by Louise Abbéma
Dans les fleurs by Louise Abbéma
Matin d'avril, place de la Concorde, Paris by Louise Abbéma
Sarah Bernhardt by Louise Abbéma (before 1927)
before 1927.
Self Portrait (Young Boxer)
Reading Sailor
Seated Soldier
Torero Leaning on a Chair
Maria Konopnicka by Maria Dulębianka
Maria Konopnicka by Maria Dulębianka
Sea by Maria Dulębianka
c. 1910.
Scholar with a book by Maria Dulębianka
before 1919.
Street types of New York City: Emigrant and pretzel vendor
Street types of New York City: Messenger boy and bike
Immigrants from a smallpox ship, held in custody for observation, behind wire fence, Hoffman Island, N.Y.
Street types of New York City: Street cleaner with pick ax standing in front of pile of snow
Street types of New York City: Street sweeper and handcart
Street types of New York City: Postman at letter box
The organ grinder and his wife
New York City, 1897.
Quarantine station, Hoffman Island, NYC: group of immigrants amid buildings
Portrait of a young woman
Between 1904 and 1940.
Portrait of Lili Elbe with a green feather fan
Lili déguisée en chevalier à la rose
Portrait of Lili Elbe
Eva Heramb
Ladies in crinolines by Yury Yurkun
c. 1934.
Ladies with umbrellas (the scene in the Park) by Yury Yurkun
before 1938.
Street scene by Yury Yurkun
c. 1935
Self Portrait by Yury Yurkun
before 1938.
Orchids and Bamboo by Zheng Xie
Misty Bamboo on a Distant Mountain by Zheng Xie
Bamboo and Rock by Zheng Xie
Bamboo and Poem by Zheng Xie
Before 1765.
Bamboo and Rocks by Zheng Xie
Orchids, Bamboo and Rocks, handscroll by Zheng Xie
Réunion à la campagne by Marie Laurencin
Les jeunes filles by Marie Laurencin
La Toilette des jeunes filles by Marie Laurencin
Femme à l'éventail by Marie Laurencin
Le Bal élégant, La Danse à la campagne by Marie Laurencin
Femmes au chien by Marie Laurencin
Girl at her toilet by Glyn Philpot
c. 1910
Mary Borden by Glyn Philpot
Glyn Warren Philpot by Glyn Philpot
Siegfried Sassoon by Glyn Philpot
Portrait of Lady Witt by Glyn Philpot
The Skyscraper by Glyn Philpot
Young Woman in a Red Shawl by Gwen John
ca. 1917–1923
The Pilgrim by Gwen John
ca. 1915–1925
Girl Holding a Piece of Sewing by Gwen John
The Nun by Gwen John
ca. 1915–1921
The Little Model by Gwen John
ca. 1915–1920
Donatello's Profeta Imberbe, Beardless Prophet
Note: The photos of these works are available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license rather than Public Domain.
You can find the photo here:,_profeta_imberbe,_1416-18,_dal_lato_est_del_campanile.JPG.
Donatello's Saint George
Note: The photos of these works are available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license rather than Public Domain.
You can find the photo here:,_Donatello,_1416-17,_Bargello_Florenz-03.jpg.
Donatello's David
Note: The photos of these works are available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license rather than Public Domain.
You can find the photo here:,_David,_1408-9,_1416,_Florence,_Bargello.jpg.
Croatian men's folk costume by Nasta Rojc
Early 20th century.
Folk costume by Nasta Rojc
Early 20t century.
"On the road" postcard by Nasta Rojc
Early 20th century.
A peasant woman from Šestine by Nasta Rojc
Early 20th century.
Le Petit Déjeuner by Sarah Purser
Weeds by Sarah Purser
1882. Weeds showcases the millpond at Ballsbridge. It was exhibited in 1882 at the Irish Fine Art Society Exhibition.
John Purser by Sarah Purser
c. 1885. This portrait shows Irish mathematician John Purser (1835-1903), cousin of Sarah Purser.
William Butler Yeats by Sarah Purser
June 1898.
Maude Gonne by Sarah Purser
July 1898.
The sad girl by Sarah Purser
1923. The model is Kathleen Kearney.
Portrait of Vera Stravinsky by Serge Sudeikin
Portrait of Jeanne Soudeikine by Serge Sudeikin
Panel for the cabaret “Halt der Comedians” in Petrograd by Serge Sudeikin
Set and costume project by Serge Sudeikin
c. 1920
Self portrait by Serge Sudeikin
The Steering Lesson by Henry Scott Tuke
1892, oil on canvas
Charlie Mitchell by Henry Scott Tuke
1909, watercolor
A boy with an oar Henry Scott Tuke
1910, oil on panel
Boy on a beach by Henry Scott Tuke
1912, oil on cardboard
T. E. Lawrence as a cadet at Newporth Beach, near Falmouth by Henry Scott Tuke
1921-1922, oil on canvas
Beach Study by Henry Scott Tuke
c. 1928, oil on panel
Bermuda No. 2, The Schooner by Charles Demuth
1917, watercolor and graphite on paper
Trees and Barns Bermuda by Charles Demuth
1917, watercolor and graphite on paper
Sail: In Two Movements by Charles Demuth
1919, watercolor and graphite on paper
Incense of a New Church by Charles Demuth
1921, oils on canvas
Aucassin and Nicolette by Charles Demuth
1921, oil on canvas
Roofs and Steeple by Charles Demuth
1921, watercolor and graphite on textured wove paper
Toni Ebel Self Portrait
Still life with wine by Toni Ebel
c 1930s.
Dame en Deuil by Romaine Brooks
ca. 1910
Ida Rubinstein by Romaine Brooks
La Baronne Emile D’Erlanger by Romaine Brooks
ca. 1924
Una, Lady Troubridge by Romaine Brooks
Dame Ethel Walker (Self-portrait)
c 1925
Robin Hood's Bay
before 1938
Young man with a red tie
Date unknown
Self-Portrait by Ellen Day Hale
The Willow Whistle by Ellen Day Hale
Lilies by Ellen Day Hale
c 1890
June by Ellen Day Hale
Morning News Ellen Day Hale
Summer Place by Ellen Day Hale
Olympia in War Time - Royal Army Clothing Depot by Clare Atwood
On Leave by Clare Atwood
Victoria Station by Clare Atwood
Christmas Day in the London Bridge YMCA Canteen by Clare Atwood