All tagged Sweden

2024 has been a year of significant challenges, but also one of remarkable progress and hope for the LGBTQIA+ community. These victories remind us that change is possible and that every step toward equality matters. From legal reforms and historic firsts to bans on harmful practices, this year’s achievements showcase the resilience and determination of our community.

While the discussion is open for how modern labels can fit historical figures, that discussion should always be the opening of a door rather than the shutting of a box. In the case of Ulrika Eleonora Stålhammar there is value in talking about modern identity labels, but to assign one or even a number would be to flatten the reality of her life. Disguising herself as a man to escape marriage and finding herself falling in love and marrying a woman in her new life, this Swedish queer woman has an extensive list of complications that add to her storied life. 

To exist as a transgender person is to be in a perpetual state of proving yourself. To family, to friends, to doctors, to religious authorities, and often to yourself. In a society where the genitals determine how people are treated, what jobs are available, what marriages are legally sanctioned, and how they are expected to behave, undermining the strict system set before them is an inherently dangerous task. This is true now, and it was true in 1808 when Ferdinand Andreas Bruce was born.

"Like Garbo, I have been given many labels by the newspapers, ‘Very nearly as handsome as Valentino' . . . 'the masculine version of that mysterious fascination with Garbo's.' [But] I am tired of being just a screen lover, and I hope someday to get a chance to be myself. I am rather like Greta in that I like to be alone. I love peace and quiet. Hollywood is really no place for me. I stagnate here . . . I only feel awake when the air is fresh and crisp as in my native Scandinavia.” — Nils Asther

Kristina King of Sweden

We've so far looked at simple stories, in that their identities are clear. This is not the case with Kristina of Sweden. There is far more interpretation at play, as there are many labels Kristina may have fallen under. Without her to clarify, we do our best with the information at hand. What we know for certain is that she was not heterosexual, cisgender, and dyadic.