When I write my articles, I try to keep them from becoming personal. I replace the I’s with we’s because I am not representing myself, but my community. This week, that didn’t feel possible. I will go back to that format next week, but this week, the article is deeply personal, and it would be a lie to pretend otherwise. Transgender Day of Remembrance is a one-day event, not a week or a month, like Pride. When researching this article, there is a very clear reason for that: because it is too much. It is too much for any person to bear to have a full week of scrolling through the names. I have also found, throughout this week, that everyone who witnesses the names is affected by something different. My fiance was affected by those without names, the ones with the least information, the ones that were hardest to remember because information about them was so scarce. My mother was affected by the words “thrown out of a moving car” repeated so often throughout the list. A friend was left sitting alone after the rest of the room at my local pride center had moved on because of one particular name: a name that was not on the list but deserved to be. Another friend was paralyzed by a name they recognized.